How To Get Your Online Articles Shared

Whatever the focus of your horse or dog care business website, or blog you want people to find it. One way to do this is for your website content to get shared on social media.

This can be helpful because if people are sharing your webpages or blog. It means people are engaging with it. The more engagement there is, it helps with search engine rankings. Also if people are engaging with your website they’re more likely to subscribe to any mailing list you have. Sharing can mean engaging. Engaging can then lead to developing trust in your service and generating business.

If people find your website or blog or share it, then Google will see that and decide if it’s a relevant link. What I mean by this is. If your webpage or blog is about dogs. And the person who shares the article/post is also interested in dogs. (From their own website, blog or social media). Then it means they are a relevant link. Whereas if someone shares your dog care post who’s say a financial advisor with no obvious dog care links. It doesn’t look so relevant.

Why does being a “relevant sharer" matter? Well Google then is more likely to rank your website or blog higher up search results.

It can also help if the person (or business) linking to you is considered an ‘authority’. If it’s someone with a popular website, blog or social media account, then Google will see it, and give more weight. Than say someone who’s website doesn’t have much reach or has limited social profile.

Now you may wonder how you find out who could be an ‘authority link’? There’s a couple of ways.

1. You may know or find relevant businesses organically. That is you know of them through your work. Or researching generally online or in publications.

Use an online tool like ‘Ahrefs’ You can put in the actual URL where you’ve got better but similar content. It’ll then show you who’s a link. Then you can export a list and then contact them. Inviting them to link to your webpage/blog.

2. Another way is to get your content on leading relevant websites. Such as those that look for content, (e.g. Huffington Post).

Get more insights into what webpages are popular and in your line of work, by visiting This is another helpful website. Put in keywords or URLs (of competitor articles) and see how many social shares it has. It may not be 100% accurate, but should give a general trend. Then you can reach out to the people who’ve shared them, and contact them inviting them to share your article.

Buzzsumo can help you learn more about other popular websites or blogs like yours. Type in keywords relating to your business, and see what pages it lists. Easy! Take a look at them, and see what trends there are. It’ll help you get new ideas for your own online articles.

How Much Time Do You Need?

You may wonder how long you should be doing this research and contacting other websites/people? It can be easy to get carried away and while away the hours doing this. But try not to! Spend a few hours each week. If you have an assistant, then is this something they could help you with?

Action Point

Do some research online. See who could possibly share your articles. Use the suggested Ahrefs and Buzzsumo links listed above. And get contacting.

It can be scary emailing strangers, but don't worry. People make contact like this all the time. What's the worst, they'll either ignore you or say no. At best you can get your articles and posts shared to reach many possible customers!

Try and do this research and contacts every week. You may not get instant results. So don't be disheartened and keep at it!

How to Get Confident Using Social Media With Your Equine or Canine Business

Email me at info @ to learn more about business coaching and consultancy.

About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.

How To Create Online Content For Your Customers

How To Create Online Content For Your Horse or Dog Care Business

Creating content. What does this mean? And why does it matter to you, if you’re operating a horse or dog care business?

If you’ve a website or blog for your business, then attracting ‘traffic’ or visitors is vital. An easy way to do this, is for people to do an internet search. And by searching for words related to your horse or dog care business. Then if they find your website near the top of the results, it's a great way for them to find you without you paying for an ad. It’s rare though that you publish your website or blog and leave it. And still continue to get top ranking search results. Of course having great design and superb basic content. Plus using keywords can all help. You can pay for advertising too. Here’s some tips you can start using in your equine or canine business website or blog now. These are ways for you to increase the chance of your website appearing high on an internet search. Without paying for advertising.

  1. How long are the articles on your website or blog? There’s a fine line between writing so much that people get bored. And having articles that are so short, that it’s not in-depth. Having articles that are short and around 500 words can be limiting. It tends to tell Google that it’s not going to be helpful and so not worth giving top ranking.
  2. Do your website or blog articles include a beginning, middle and an end? The title is that, the title of the article. Next the middle is the subheadings. These are to provide section breaks, (think like a chapter in a book). Don’t use paragraphs that are too long, so it’s not too overwhelming for your reader. The end is your conclusion and summing up section. Call it that, so that people can be clear what your summary points are. And they can read back up the page. (Different people have varying reading behaviour).
  3. What variety does your blog or website article have? So have you got any images or videos, or even audio clips included? These can help your article seem more easy to read. These videos or audio don't need to be too long. Have you got videos of your horse or dog customers? Get permission to use of course. But if relevant to the article, then be creative!
  4. Do you encourage comments? Your blog posts should conclude wherever possible, with an invitation for people to comment. They’re then more likely to want to share your content. And become potential customers (or know someone who will). Remember if people do comment, then reply, even if to say “thankyou”. It will show you are human! But that you are interested in connecting with your potential (or actual) customers. This can help create loyalty to your business.

So what sort of articles should you be writing? Keep it relevant to your business. But you can be creative too. For instance. If you have a dog care business. You could discuss dog care tips. This can be an endless subject! Think of all the tips for helping care for dogs from puppies to older dogs. Try to avoid going too far from your core subject area though. As Google does look at relevancy. It tends to prioritise ranking websites or blogs that seem to know their subjects well.

Action Point

Take some time to review your website or blog. When did you last create a new article? If it wasn't within the last month, plan your next one now and publish it soon! Write down some ideas of what you can write about, and be inspired to give your customers (actual or potential) some tips to make their and their animals lives better!

Until next time

Regards, Suzanne

How to Get Confidence Running Your Equine or Canine Business

Visit or email me at info @ to learn more.

About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.

How To Increase Your Twitter Presence

There are reported to be over 300 million active twitter users, and over 500 million tweets sent every day [source:], but still many people do find Twitter confusing. – It's quite different to other popular networks and it can take time to get used to it. As is the case with so many things of course!

In this blog post I’m going to share one of my top tips for getting better results on Twitter.

I think most people will agree that it’s easier to forge good business relationships (or any communication with other people) if there is a shared interest.

Engaging with people on Twitter who share similar interests as you is going to make your experience of the network better. To find people who are likely to be interested in your animal care business then try and regularly participate in relevant Twitter “chats”.

There’s “chats” (which are basically entered around a particular hashtag #) for lots of topics, including animal related ones. The participants are more likely to be people who use Twitter to make connections with other like-minded individuals and businesses. This means they are likely to be extremely valuable followers who will help share your posts and engage with your business, including even mentioning you in their posts.

To get the most out of Twitter chats it’s a good idea to actively participate by replying and following new people. You’ll find many # hashtag “chats” are centered around a particular hour in the week, if this is the case for the “chats” you want to use, then make a reminder in your diary so you don’t forget.

Examples of animal related Twitter chats are #EquineHour #HorseHour but there are many many others – so do some research, look at different animal related brands and see what they’re using.

Don’t be worried though about creating your own – yes you can! If you can’t find a chat that makes sense for your business, then establish your own. It will require though you to make a concerted and sustained effort to build awareness of it. So depending on your available resources this could be a worthwhile investment or be too time consuming. Promoted advertising maybe something to consider.

If you want to develop Twitter as a successful medium for you to promote your animal care business, then please go now and research what Twitter chats you will use this week!

Gain more confidence in using Twitter with my free 1 page Twitter Basics Guide, which you can find online at <
About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.